While a desire for fuller hair is universal, the issue of hair loss is different for women. At our Rochester clinic, our experienced hair restoration specialists understand the possible causes for hair loss in their female patients and how it affects them both physically and emotionally. Dr. Quatela, Dr. Lee, and Dr. Montague provide support and treatment options for female hair loss patients who visit from Buffalo to Syracuse and throughout New York.
While a desire for fuller hair is universal, the issue of hair loss is different for women. At our Rochester clinic, our experienced hair restoration specialists understand the possible causes for hair loss in their female patients and how it affects them both physically and emotionally. Dr. Quatela, Dr. Lee, and Dr. Montague provide support and treatment options for female hair loss patients who visit from Buffalo to Syracuse and throughout New York.
A woman’s hairstyle often expresses her individuality, her sense of fashion, independence, confidence, and overall well-being. While hair loss is rarely desirable in men, it is more socially acceptable. Moderate hair loss in men is commonly perceived as “distinguished.” However, for women, the social standard remains the presence of a full head of hair. Hairstyles for women often change with evolving fashion trends, but one thing remains constant: abundant hair.
Learn why men and women seeking hair transplant surgery come to the Quatela Center for Hair Restoration to have Dr. Quatela, Dr. Lee, Dr. Montague, and their team perform the procedure. Request a consultation using our online form to meet with one of them personally, or call our office at
(585) 244-0323 to schedule an appointment.
Patient's left lateral eyebrow was waxed over 10 years ago and never grew back. She wanted to correct that loss as well as increase the density of both of her brows, which was achieved with a follicular unit transplantation (FUT).
Dr. Heather Lee
Procedures Performed:
Female FUT Hair Transplant, Eyebrow Hair Transplant
Follicular unit transplantation (FUT). 2002 grafts. Graft placement to add density across the entire top of the head. Additional grafts were placed in the area of her part.
Mohs surgery and radiation left this patient with significant hair loss along the right temple and brow. Dr. Montague performed a follicular unit transplantation (FUT) procedure to take hair from the back of the scalp and move it to the affected areas.
She is now 5 months post-op and seeing tremendous growth! The best part is that it w... Read More
Dr. Alex Montague
Procedures Performed:
Female FUT Hair Transplant, Eyebrow Hair Transplant
Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.
Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL)
To the surprise of many people, a normal, healthy woman loses approximately 100 to 125 hairs per day. Fortunately, the follicles that produce these hairs remain behind and generate new hairs. Appreciable or noticeable hair loss occurs when the growth cycle of the hair follicle is disrupted or changed. The follicle no longer produces hair.
Female Pattern Hair Loss
The most common treatable form of hair loss seen in women is androgenic alopecia, also known as female pattern hair loss/baldness. This is an inherited or genetic pattern of hair loss that can come from either parent. It presents as hair thinning over both the top and sides of the head. Rarely does it progress to a single bald spot. It affects approximately one-third of all susceptible women. Although it may begin as early as puberty, it is most commonly seen after menopause.
Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) differs from male pattern hair loss (MPHL) in the following ways.
Non-Androgenic Alopecia/Hair Loss
Two other common types of hair loss, medically known as anagen effluvium and telogen effluvium, may create a very similar appearance as female pattern hair loss. The primary distinction is that these types of hair loss respond to medical treatments and do not benefit from hair replacement surgery.
Anagen effluvium is generally caused by internally administered medications, such as chemotherapeutic agents, which poison the growing hair follicle.
Telogen effluvium is due to an increased number of hair follicles entering the resting stage of hair cycle growth. The most common causes of telogen effluvium are:
Physical stress from surgery, illness, anemia, rapid weight change
Emotional stress such as mental illness, divorce, or death of a family member
Thyroid abnormalities
Medications including high doses of vitamin A, blood pressure medications, gout medications
Hormonal causes such as pregnancy, birth control pills, menopause, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Perfection - deep plane lift, a lower eyelid blepharoplasty and a skin resurfacing procedure on me.
Dr Montague is an amazing plastic surgeon. He performed a deep plane lift, a lower eyelid blepharoplasty and a skin resurfacing procedure on me. I am extremely satisfied with the outcome and would be happy to discuss my experience regarding the practice and Dr Montague's skills. I drove from Buffalo...
Four months ago, I underwent a hair transplant at Quatela. I am extremely satisfied with the outcome. The staff, particularly Stacie, at Quatela is exceptional and made my experience very enjoyable. If you are considering any hair procedure, I highly recommend contacting Quatela for a consultation.
Life changing - I would never consider going anywhere else
I had a neck lift on May 1st. I reviewed Dr. Quatela extensively, because let's face it, your face is the first thing people see. The staff was phenomenal. Dr. Q is soft spoken, sweet, and he KNOWS what he's doing. I would never consider going anywhere else. I look in the mirror now, and I'm happy and grateful. It changed my life!
Life changing - I would never consider going anywhere else
I had a neck lift on May 1st. I reviewed Dr. Quatela extensively, because let's face it, your face is the first thing people see. The staff was phenomenal. Dr. Q is soft spoken, sweet, and he KNOWS what he's doing. I would never consider going anywhere else. I look in the mirror now, and I'm happy and grateful. It changed my life!
I had a...
Hair loss may also occur due to dieting. Franchised diet programs that are designed or administered under the direction of a physician with prescribed meals, dietary supplements, and vitamins have become popular. Sometimes, the client is told that vitamins are a necessary part of the program to prevent hair loss associated with dieting. However, the vitamins cannot prevent hair loss associated with rapid, significant weight loss. Furthermore, many of these supplements are high in vitamin A, which can increase hair loss.
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Physical and Emotional Stress
Surgeries, severe illnesses, and emotional stress can cause hair loss. The body simply shuts down the production of hair during periods of stress since it is not necessary for survival and instead devotes its energies toward repairing vital body structures. In many cases, there is a three-month delay between the actual event and the onset of hair loss. Furthermore, there may be another three-month delay prior to the return of noticeable hair regrowth. This then means that the total hair loss and regrowth cycle can last 6 months or possibly longer when induced by physical or emotional stress. There are some health conditions that may go undetected that can contribute to hair loss as well. These include anemia or low blood count and thyroid abnormalities. Both of these conditions can be detected by a simple, inexpensive blood test.
Hormonal Consideration
Hormonal changes are a common cause of female hair loss. Many women do not realize that hair loss can occur after pregnancy or going off birth control pills. It is important to remember that hair loss may be delayed by 3 months following the hormonal change, and another 3 months will be required for new growth to be fully achieved.
When the above causes of telogen effluvium are reversed or altered, normal hair growth should return. Minoxidil, a topical medication, can address some forms of telogen effluvium.
Eyebrow Hair Transplant
Eyebrow loss can occur for a variety of reasons, such as genetics, excessive plucking, disease, and physical trauma. Because the eyebrows are part of your facial features, this hair loss can have a significant impact on your appearance. Eyebrow hair transplants and other treatment options can be discussed at a consultation appointment with Dr. Quatela, Dr. Lee, or Dr. Montague, whether for partial or complete loss of eyebrows.
If you are a woman seeking help to address hair loss, we invite you to request a consultation using our online form or call
(585) 244-0323 to schedule an appointment at the Quatela Center for Hair Restoration to have Dr. Quatela, Dr. Lee, Dr. Montague, and their team perform a full assessment and provide recommendations for treatment.
International Destination
Concierge Program for Out-of-Town Patients
With decades of experience serving national and international clients, we have streamlined the travel process for our out-of-town patients. Our proximity to an international airport, discreet onsite and offsite accommodations, and concierge offerings ensure your experience with us will be stress-free and rewarding.