More than 80% of men experience some degree of male pattern baldness or alopecia. A system has been developed for classifying the pattern of hair loss called the Norwood Scale.

The hair restoration specialists in Rochester at the Quatela Center can establish a treatment plan based on your age and pattern of hair loss. During your consultation, we review your family history and classification to determine if you are an appropriate candidate for follicular unit grafting (micro hair restoration). We see many patients with advanced alopecia hair loss from cities like Buffalo and Syracuse, NY, who are surprised to learn they may benefit from follicular unit grafting hair transplant surgery in combination with other treatments.

Norwood Scale Hair Loss Classifications

Most patients have a pattern of hair loss resembling one of the seven groups described by the Norwood Scale. Although helpful, it is by no means comprehensive. An examination of the scalp is a necessary part of the hair restoration process. During this consultation, we determine the classification, density, and possible number of follicular units available for your hair restoration session.

Class 2

Class 2 Hair Loss graphic

Early recession in both temporal regions may be seen. Hair loss remains minimal along the central anterior hairline. This type may look “normal” on a 42-year-old but greatly distresses a 22-year-old.

Class 3

Class 3 Hair Loss graphic

The temporal recessions extend more deeply. Some recession is also seen in the front hairline. Patients in Class 3 are typically in their 20s, 30s, or 40s and find dramatic improvement with as few as 1000 grafts.

Class 4

Class 4 Hair Loss graphic

The temporal recession extends very deeply and the frontal hairline is thinning and not nearly as wide. The frontal hairline begins to recede also from the crown of the head moving forward. This shows three zones of alopecia moving towards each other.

Class 5

Class 5 Hair Loss graphic

The three zones of alopecia have almost joined resulting in a deep temporal recession, an enlarging bald crown, and a small “island” or tuft on the front of the crown.

Class 6

Class 6 Hair Loss graphic

This classification is represented by complete or nearly complete zones of alopecia in the front, central, and back areas of the crown. A horseshoe-shaped zone of hair persists in the back of the head (occipital) and sides (parietal) of the head. The front hairline has receded toward the back of the head.

Class 7

Class 7 Hair Loss graphic

A thin rim of hair encircles the scalp. Many of these patients mistakenly believe that they are not candidates for treatment. In fact, follicular unit grafting (micro hair restoration) is an option.

Learn why men and women seeking hair transplant surgery travel from Buffalo and Syracuse, New York, to the Quatela Center for Hair Restoration to have Dr. Quatela, Dr. Lee, Dr. Montague, and their restoration team perform the procedure. Request a consultation using our online form to meet with one of them personally, or call our office at (585) 244-0323 to schedule an appointment.

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Perfection - deep plane lift, a lower eyelid blepharoplasty and a skin resurfacing procedure on me. Dr Montague is an amazing plastic surgeon. He performed a deep plane lift, a lower eyelid blepharoplasty and a skin resurfacing procedure on me. I am extremely satisfied with the outcome and would be happy to discuss my experience regarding the practice and Dr Montague's skills. I drove from Buffalo...
Four months ago, I underwent a hair transplant at Quatela. I am extremely satisfied with the outcome. The staff, particularly Stacie, at Quatela is exceptional and made my experience very enjoyable. If you are considering any hair procedure, I highly recommend contacting Quatela for a consultation.
Life changing - I would never consider going anywhere else I had a neck lift on May 1st. I reviewed Dr. Quatela extensively, because let's face it, your face is the first thing people see. The staff was phenomenal. Dr. Q is soft spoken, sweet, and he KNOWS what he's doing. I would never consider going anywhere else. I look in the mirror now, and I'm happy and grateful. It changed my life!
Life changing - I would never consider going anywhere else I had a neck lift on May 1st. I reviewed Dr. Quatela extensively, because let's face it, your face is the first thing people see. The staff was phenomenal. Dr. Q is soft spoken, sweet, and he KNOWS what he's doing. I would never consider going anywhere else. I look in the mirror now, and I'm happy and grateful. It changed my life! I had a...
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