couple on mountain in winter

-By Hair Team Manager Katlyn Richardson, RN

With winter in Western New York comes dry, cold air and our hair and skin can suffer. The scalp can become dry and flaky and your hair prone to breakage. Keep your locks healthy during the long winter season with these hair care tips so that you aren’t doing damage control come spring!

  • Always wear a hat outdoors
    • Make sure the hat is lined with silk or satin material as wool or cotton fabrics can cause breakage to your hair
    • Use dry oil spray to decrease the static caused by “hat hair”
    • Use a dryer sheet over those pesky fly-aways to decrease static
  • Use a humidifier
    • Indoor heating can lead to dryness and breakage
    • Keeping the air moist will help keep your hair moist as well
  • Get routine trims
    • Trim at least ½ inch from your ends every 4-8 weeks to maintain healthy hair
    • This prevents dryness and split ends
  • Cooler shower temperatures
    • Hot water temperatures will dry your hair out
    • Lukewarm temperature water with a cooler rinse will help hair retain moisture
  • Avoid Heat Styling
    • Air dry whenever possible
    • Microfiber towels and wraps can speed up the drying process without damage
    • Wet brushes assist in detangling hair and preventing breakage
    • If heat styling is unavoidable, use heat protectant prior to heat application during both drying and styling
  • Don’t leave your house with wet hair
    • Hair can freeze if wet in lower temperatures
    • This leads to breakage and dryness
  • Oil Treatments
    • Lightweight, leave-in formulas are suggested
    • Apply daily at your ends to prevent split ends and breakage
  • Deep Condition
    • This should be done once a week
    • Keeps moisture in your hair and prevents dry scalp
  • Weekly hair mask
    • This can be left on overnight
    • Make sure that you are starting at the roots and covering all the way down to the ends
  • Avoid frequent washing
    • Daily washing should be avoided if possible; this allows your natural oils to moisturize scalp and hair
    • If daily washing is unavoidable, make sure you are using conditioner daily that is sulfate-free and specific to your hair type or meant to assist in hair and scalp health (such as our TRICOMIN CLINICAL kit)
  • Gentle brushing
    • Use a wet brush or wide tooth comb
    • Start at the ends and work your way up
    • There should never be a pulling action or feeling
  • Avoid tight hair styles
    • Buns and tight braids are especially damaging to your hair
    • The can lead to breakage and hair loss from constant tugging
    • Never use a rubber material for your hair ties but rather a soft fabric to decrease pulling and breakage

If you are experiencing thinning hair or hair loss and are interested in treatment options, call 585.244.0323 to speak to a Patient Consultant or contact us via our website.

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