man with hand on head

Hair transplant surgery has become a popular solution for those struggling with hair loss and thinning. While the procedure itself is crucial, following the post-operative care provided is equally important for the success and longevity of your new hair. To ensure optimal results and a smooth recovery, it’s essential to follow a set of do’s and don’ts after your hair transplant procedure. Here are the top recommendations from Drs. Quatela, Lee, Montague and the hair team to help you navigate the post-transplant phase effectively.

The Do’s:

  1. Follow your surgeon’s instructions: Drs. Quatela, Lee, Montague and our hair team will provide you with specific guidelines tailored to your situation. Pay close attention to these instructions and strictly follow them. They will include guidelines on washing, medication, physical activities, and sleeping positions. Adhering to your surgeon’s advice will help promote healing and maximize the success of the procedure. Some top instructions to remember:
    1. Take all your prescribed medications.
    2. Apply ice to your forehead (not directly on grafts) to prevent swelling for the first 24 hours.
    3. Liberally spray Cu3 spray to grafts from post-op day 1 until 7 days post-transplant. This helps with healing and itching. 
  2. Be gentle when washing your hair: You will be provided with instructions on how and when (post-op day 3) to clean the transplanted area. Be gentle while washing your hair, using a mild shampoo or the Tricomin recommended by us. Avoid rubbing or scratching the transplanted area, and let the water flow gently over it, pouring from a cup. Then on day 7 you may wash normally.
  3. Sleep with proper head support: For the first few nights after your hair transplant surgery, it’s important to sleep in an elevated position to minimize swelling. Use a few pillows or a cushion to prop up your head while sleeping. This elevation helps improve blood circulation to the scalp and reduces post-operative swelling.
  4. Protect your scalp from the sun: Shielding your scalp from direct sunlight is crucial during the recovery phase. Excessive exposure to the sun’s harmful rays can cause damage to the sensitive transplanted area. Wear a hat for the first 3 weeks after your procedure any time you are outside to protect your new grafts.
  5. Maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports hair growth and overall well-being. Consume plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to provide essential nutrients to your hair follicles. Additionally, avoid smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and stress, as they can hinder the healing process.
  6. Ask us about hair loss preventatives: There may be additional steps that you can take to prevent future hair loss and help your transplanted hair grow quickly.

The Don’ts:

  1. Don’t scratch or pick at the transplanted area and scabs: It’s natural to experience itching or mild discomfort in the transplanted area during the healing process. However, scratching or picking at the area can disrupt the grafts and lead to complications. Avoid touching or rubbing the transplanted area; the scabs will fall off on their own.
    1. Similarly, try not to bump your head in the days after a transplant, as it may cause the grafts to fall out.
    2. But don’t worry if you see shedding of your grafts within the first few weeks of transplant. They fall out and regrow over the next several months.
  2. Avoid strenuous activities and exercise: Engaging in strenuous physical activities, such as heavy lifting or intense exercise, can increase blood pressure and cause bleeding around the transplanted area. Refrain from such activities for at least one week after the surgery, or as advised by your surgeon.
    1. Refrain from swimming until scabs have completely fallen off.
  3. Refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking: Alcohol consumption and smoking can negatively impact the healing process and reduce the success rate of your hair transplant. Both alcohol and smoking restrict blood flow, which is vital for healing and hair growth. Avoid these substances for a minimum of one week post-surgery, or preferably quit them altogether for better long-term hair health.
    1. Don’t take any blood thinning medications for 1 week post-transplant either.
  4. Don’t expose your scalp to extreme temperatures: Avoid exposing your scalp to extreme temperatures, such as hot showers, saunas, or very cold weather. Drastic temperature changes can affect blood circulation and cause discomfort or swelling. Stick to lukewarm showers and protect your scalp when going out in cold weather.
  5. Abstain from your normal hair care: Hold off on using any kind of styling products, and do not get a haircut until at least 3-4 weeks post-op when the scabs have completely fallen off. Similarly, avoid coloring your hair until at least 4 weeks post-operatively.
  6. Try not to rush the results: Patience is key when it comes to hair transplant surgery. Remember that hair growth is a gradual process, and it may take several months before you start seeing noticeable results. Avoid getting anxious or expecting immediate changes. Give your hair follicles ample time to establish themselves and grow naturally.

Post-operative care plays a vital role in ensuring the success and longevity of your hair transplant surgery. By following these essential do’s and don’ts, you can promote healing, minimize complications, and maximize the growth of your transplanted hair. Remember, always consult Dr. Quatela, Dr. Lee, or Dr. Montague for personalized instructions and guidance throughout your recovery journey. With proper care, you can enjoy the full benefits of your hair transplant and regain your confidence with a head full of healthy, natural hair.

To learn more about hair restoration options, contact us to speak to a Patient Consultant.

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