older middle aged couple sitting in chairs by pool

-By Chia Hao Chang, Hair Technician

While summer is short-lived in Western New York and often anticipated after a long winter, the summer heat can be unwelcoming and harsh on our hair, causing it to become dry and damaged. To keep your hair looking healthy through the season, here are some tips to make sure your hair doesn’t lose its shine. 

Start Summer with a Fresh Trim

  • Trim off about a ½ inch to prevent weak points that cause hair to break off easily and to remove split ends.
  • A fresh start ensures easier hair management.

Reduce Heat from the Sun

  • Sun exposure can dry out your hair. Choose canvas hats or those with a wide brim. 
  • Not a hat person? Try a scarf or head wrap. 

Apply UV Protection

  • Run your hands lightly through your hair after you’ve applied sunscreen to your body and face. 

Avoid Heat Tools

  • Minimize the use of heat tools like hair dryers, straighteners and curlers. The heat can add onto existing summer heat that can damage and dry out your hair. 

Utilize Oil Treatments

  • Natural oils like coconut, olive, and avocado oils are good at penetrating the hair shaft. Shampoo as usual, then apply the oil from top to roots. Rinse, then condition. Your hair will feel moisturized and refreshed.

Combat Swimmer’s Hair 

  • Chemicals in pool water can cause damage to your hair. Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner soon after swimming to remove harmful chemicals.

Change Your Hair Wash Routine

  • Summer calls for heat and humidity. Avoid washing frequently to prevent the removal of natural oils from your scalp. 
  • Use hair conditioner daily to maintain moisture. 

Choose the Right Hair Brush

  • Brush your hair gently. There should not be a strong pulling feeling. 
  • Wide tooth combs are most gentle for untangling hair. 
  • Start from the ends, then move toward the roots. 

Leave Behind Tight Hairstyles 

  • Tight hairstyles tend to pull and tear hair.
  • A stylish braid or bun is ideal for keeping your hair under control and minimizing sun exposure.

Prioritize Hydration

  • Stay hydrated. Drink lots of water and fluids to provide hydration to your scalp and hair.

If you are experiencing thinning hair or hair loss and are interested in treatment options, call 585.244.0323 to speak to a Patient Consultant or contact us via our website.

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